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Heal with Dina Rashed

Unlock your full potential.
with Dina Rashed.

Unleash your potential: conquer anxieties, break habits, build confidence. 

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Are you looking for more motivation? 

Do you want to reach unparalleled levels of confidence? 

Do you need more insights or clarity in your life? 

Are you ready to let go of any worries/anxieties that are holding you back? 

If your answer is yes to any of the above questions, then Hypnotherapy is for you

Discover the power of hypnotherapy. 

Hypnotherapy offers a powerful tool within psychotherapy to effectively manage anxiety, enhance self-awareness, and promote overall mental well-being for individuals seeking personal growth and improved quality of life. it can treat a wide variety of metal issues:

The Power of Hypnosis with Dina Rashed

Anxiety & Stress

Phobias & Fears

Weight Loss


Goal Setting


“Treating my anxiety has been a top priority of mine for the past several years, but unfortunately, traditional therapy methods haven't proved to be effective in my situation. After my session with Dina, I've found that my anxiety has truly gone down and I've passively managed to find ways to cope with situations that previously elevated my anxiety.."

Y. Mamdouh

Dina Rashed

Meet Dina Rashed

Dina Rashed is a testament to the transformative power of holistic well-being. With a distinguished background in financial consultancy, specializing in mergers and acquisitions across the Middle East, Dina's professional journey took a pivotal turn when she faced her own battle with debilitating migraines. This challenge led her down an unconventional path, one that not only offered relief but also a new purpose.


Emerging from this personal transformation, Dina is now a beacon of healing and growth. As a certified hypnotherapist and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) practitioner, she draws upon the mentorship of world-renowned experts like Paul McKenna, blending this knowledge with over 6 years of experience in teaching yoga. Her multifaceted approach is designed to unlock the full potential within each individual, fostering a life of vibrant health and fulfillment.


Dina's practice is rooted in compassion, empathy, and a deep belief in the innate capacity of the human spirit to overcome challenges. She creates a safe, nurturing environment for her clients, where trust and openness are the cornerstones of every transformative journey. Specializing in addressing stress, anxiety, phobias, addictions, and weight loss, her method integrates the best of hypnotherapy, NLP techniques, and the principles of yoga. 


Her mission is clear: to empower individuals to navigate life's hurdles and embrace their inherent potential, leading to profound personal shifts and a journey of healing and self-discovery. Dina Rashed stands as a guide, helping others to rewrite their stories, just as she has boldly rewritten her own.

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“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony"

—Mahatma Gandhi

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